Angular 1.x offers two primary methods for initializing applications: the ng-app directive and the manual approach via angular.bootstrap. This guide will delve into these initial concepts before exploring the advancements introduced with Angular 2, highlighting the flexibility in bootstrapping applications in various environments such as browsers, WebWorkers, and servers.

Angular 1.x Bootstrapping Methods

Bootstrapping with ng-app

Angular 1.x applications often commence with the ng-app directive, positioned on the <html> or <body> element, signifying the application’s starting point:

<!doctype html><html ng-app=”app”>  <head>    <title>Angular 1.x</title>    <script src=”angular.js”></script>    <script src=”app.js”></script>    <script src=”app.component.js”></script>  </head>  <body>    <my-app>Loading…</my-app>  </body></html>

Modules with angular.module

To operationalize ng-app, a corresponding “module” is required, acting as a container for specific application logic. The module name aligns with ng-app’s value, facilitating the creation of interconnected components:

// app.jsangular.module(‘app’, []);

Bootstrapping with angular.bootstrap

An alternative bootstrapping method is the angular.bootstrap function, allowing manual initiation of Angular 1.x applications:

// app.jsangular.module(‘app’, []);angular.bootstrap(document.documentElement, [‘app’]);

This method provides precise control over the application’s initialization, including an optional strictDi mode for dependency injection.

Transition to Angular 2

HTML and Root Element

Angular 2 introduces significant changes, including TypeScript adoption and the shift from ng-app to a more structured and modular approach using @NgModule. The bootstrapping process requires a root component to anchor the application:

<!doctype html><html>  <head>    <title>Angular 2</title>    <!– SystemJS and other script references –>  </head>  <body>    <my-app>Loading…</my-app>  </body></html>

Modules with @NgModule

Angular 2 employs @NgModule to define modules, marking a departure from angular.module in Angular 1.x. This decorator specifies the module’s components and its bootstrapping component:

// module.tsimport {NgModule} from ‘@angular/core’;import {BrowserModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser’;import AppComponent from ‘./app’;
@NgModule({  imports: [BrowserModule],  declarations: [AppComponent],  bootstrap: [AppComponent]})export class AppModule {}

Implementing @NgModule and Bootstrapping in Angular 2


The application is bootstrapped by importing platformBrowserDynamic and invoking bootstrapModule with the AppModule:

// main.tsimport {platformBrowserDynamic} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic’;import {AppModule} from ‘./module’;

Root Component

The root component serves as the application’s primary container, defined using the @Component decorator:

import {Component} from ‘@angular/core’;
@Component({  selector: ‘my-app’,  template: `<div>{{ text }}</div>`})export default class App {  public text: string = ‘Hello world!’;}

How Budgeting Prevents Digital Marketing Pitfalls

Incorporating strategic budgeting within the digital marketing sphere is essential for avoiding common pitfalls. Effective budget management ensures resources are allocated efficiently, optimizing marketing efforts and preventing overspending or misallocation.

Key Considerations for Effective Angular Bootstrapping

  • Initialization Method: Choose between declarative initialization with ng-app or manual initialization with angular.bootstrap for Angular 1.x applications. Angular 2 requires manual initialization using @NgModule;
  • Module Declaration: Define modules using angular.module in Angular 1.x and @NgModule in Angular 2 to encapsulate components, services, and other application-specific configurations;
  • Root Component: Essential for both Angular 1.x and Angular 2, serving as the main container for the application. Angular 2 emphasizes this with the introduction of @Component;
  • TypeScript Adoption: Angular 2 and beyond leverage TypeScript for improved development experience, introducing static typing and class-based components;
  • Modern JavaScript Features: Utilize ES2015 modules and other modern JavaScript features in Angular 2 to enhance application structure and modularity.

Comparative Table: Angular 1.x vs. Angular 2 Bootstrapping

FeatureAngular 1.xAngular 2
Initialization Methodng-app directive or angular.bootstrapManual initialization with @NgModule
Module Systemangular.module@NgModule decorator
Scripting LanguageJavaScriptTypeScript
Component DeclarationDirective and .component method@Component decorator with classes
Dependency InjectionImplicit and manual annotationHierarchical dependency injection system
Root Component RequirementOptional but recommendedMandatory
Development ParadigmMVC (Model-View-Controller)Components and services
PerformanceGood for its timeEnhanced performance with change detection
Mobile SupportLimitedImproved with Angular Universal

How Budgeting Prevents Digital Marketing Pitfalls

  • Resource Allocation: Ensures marketing funds are strategically distributed across channels for maximum impact;
  • Cost Management: Helps avoid overspending and financial waste by setting clear boundaries for marketing expenditures;
  • Performance Tracking: Facilitates the monitoring of marketing campaigns, allowing for reallocation of budget to high-performing initiatives;
  • Strategic Planning: Encourages a focus on long-term goals and ROI, rather than short-term tactics with minimal impact;
  • Risk Mitigation: Reduces the likelihood of financial pitfalls by promoting data-driven decisions and careful planning.

Incorporating these considerations and understanding the distinctions between Angular 1.x and Angular 2 bootstrapping methods allows for a more structured and efficient approach to application development. Moreover, applying the principles of budgeting within the digital marketing domain can significantly enhance the effectiveness and ROI of marketing strategies.


The evolution from Angular 1.x to Angular 2 represents a significant leap in application development practices. By embracing @NgModule for modularity and adopting new bootstrapping techniques, developers gain enhanced flexibility and control in deploying Angular applications. As the framework continues to evolve, understanding these foundational concepts remains crucial for effectively leveraging Angular’s full potential.

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Kelly Sanders