Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of “Hot Module Replacement Angular,” a once-old, now-resurrected feature in Angular v11. With the advent of Ivy, this powerful capability has been reintroduced, offering developers a range of benefits, including Hot Module Replacement (HMR).

Unveiling Hot Module Replacement in Angular

Hot Module Replacement, often referred to as Hot Module Reloading, is a cutting-edge feature that enables dynamic module replacement without the need for a full page reload. In the context of Angular v11, this feature has gained prominence, providing developers with enhanced flexibility in their workflow.

Understanding the Significance of Hot Module Replacement

So, what exactly does Hot Module Replacement offer? Beyond its name, HMR allows for the seamless replacement of modules in real-time, ensuring a smoother development experience. 

Its significance lies in eliminating the need for full-page reloading, retaining form data between changes, and significantly speeding up the feedback loop during development.

Advantages of Using HMR in Angular Projects

Why opt for Hot Module Replacement in Angular projects? 

The advantages include:

  • No Reloading: Eliminate the need for full-page reloading, enhancing development efficiency;
  • Form Data Retention: Retain form data between changes, streamlining the development process;
  • Faster Feedback Loop: Experience a quicker and more responsive development feedback loop;
  • Optional Feature: Currently an opt-in feature, allowing developers to choose its usage;
  • Introduced in CLI v11: Available since version 11 of the Angular CLI.

Implementing Hot Module Replacement in Angular v11

Despite being a newly resurrected feature, there’s a lack of extensive documentation on HMR. However, developers can refer to Alan Agius’s Pull Request (PR), currently the most detailed document on this feature, for comprehensive insights.

A Detailed Look at HMR Implementation Steps

For those eager to embrace HMR, the process is straightforward:

  • Upgrade to Angular v11;
  • Run your project with the HMR flag: `ng serve –hmr`

This simple integration brings the power of Hot Module Replacement to your Angular development environment.

Exploring HMR Documentation: Alan Agius’s PR

Alan Agius’s Pull Request serves as a valuable resource for delving deeper into the intricacies of Hot Module Replacement. It offers detailed documentation and insights for developers seeking a comprehensive understanding of this feature.

Getting Started with HMR: Simple Steps for Angular Developers

Embarking on the journey of using HMR is as simple as upgrading to Angular v11 and running your project with the `–hmr` flag. This sets the stage for a more dynamic and efficient development experience.

Find out more about Ng generate component with module

Embracing Enhanced Development with HMR in Angular

As developers venture into the realm of Angular development, the integration of Hot Module Replacement (HMR) becomes pivotal for a dynamic and streamlined workflow. 

HMR not only eliminates the hassle of full-page reloading but also enables developers to retain crucial form data between changes, fostering an environment conducive to iterative development. 

The advantages of a faster feedback loop further enhance the overall efficiency of the development process, making HMR a sought-after feature in Angular v11.

Unraveling the Optimal Workflow: Best Practices for HMR

When diving into the implementation of Hot Module Replacement in Angular v11, adhering to best practices ensures a seamless integration. Developers are encouraged to maintain a consistent naming convention for components, enhancing code readability and organization. 

Additionally, leveraging selective generation flags such as `–skip-tests` or `–skip-selector` optimizes project structure by excluding unnecessary file generation. The concept of standalone components, facilitated by the `–standalone` flag, allows for the creation of independent components easily reusable across diverse projects.


Incorporating these best practices not only simplifies the integration process but also sets the stage for an optimal development workflow. As the Angular community continues to explore and refine the use of HMR, developers are encouraged to stay informed about updates, enhancements, and additional best practices for harnessing the full potential of Hot Module Replacement in Angular projects.

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Kelly Sanders