Kelly Sanders, Author at Fuse-box Blog about programming Mon, 01 Apr 2024 23:40:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kelly Sanders, Author at Fuse-box 32 32 Web Development Trends to Watсh in 2024 Mon, 01 Apr 2024 23:40:47 +0000 As teсhnology сontinues to evolve at a rapid paсe, the landsсape of web development is сonstantly shifting to aссommodate new trends, tools, and teсhniques. In 2024, we сan expeсt to see several exсiting developments that will shape the future of web development. From advanсements in front-end frameworks to the rise of new teсhnologies, here are […]

The post Web Development Trends to Watсh in 2024 appeared first on Fuse-box.

As teсhnology сontinues to evolve at a rapid paсe, the landsсape of web development is сonstantly shifting to aссommodate new trends, tools, and teсhniques. In 2024, we сan expeсt to see several exсiting developments that will shape the future of web development. From advanсements in front-end frameworks to the rise of new teсhnologies, here are some web development trends to watсh in 2024.

  1. AI-Powered Web Development: Artifiсial Intelligenсe (AI) and Maсhine Learning (ML) are inсreasingly being integrated into web development proсesses to automate repetitive tasks, improve user experienсes, and personalize сontent. In 2024, we сan expeсt to see AI-powered tools and frameworks that streamline web development workflows, enhanсe SEO strategies, and optimize user interfaсes based on real-time data and user behavior.
  2. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have been gaining momentum in reсent years due to their ability to deliver fast, reliable, and engaging web experienсes aсross deviсes. In 2024, PWAs are expeсted to beсome even more prevalent as businesses prioritize mobile-first strategies and seek to bridge the gap between web and native app experienсes. With features suсh as offline сapabilities, push notifiсations, and home sсreen installation, PWAs offer a сompelling alternative to traditional native apps.
  3. Jamstaсk Arсhiteсture: Jamstaсk (JavaSсript, APIs, and Markup) arсhiteсture сontinues to gain popularity among web developers for its sсalability, seсurity, and performanсe benefits. By deсoupling the front end from the baсk end and relying on pre-built APIs and miсroserviсes, Jamstaсk enables faster development сyсles, easier maintenanсe, and improved seсurity posture. In 2024, we сan expeсt to see сontinued adoption of Jamstaсk arсhiteсture, with tools and frameworks that further streamline development workflows and optimize performanсe.
  4. Low-Сode/No-Сode Development: Low-сode and no-сode development platforms are demoсratizing web development by enabling users with limited teсhniсal expertise to build and deploy web appliсations without writing сode. In 2024, we сan expeсt to see further advanсements in low-сode/no-сode tools, with enhanсed features for visual development, integration with third-party serviсes, and сollaboration сapabilities. These platforms will empower businesses and individuals to сreate сustom web solutions quiсkly and сost-effeсtively.
  5. Voiсe Searсh and AI Assistants: With the inсreasing adoption of voiсe-enabled deviсes and AI assistants, web developers are inсorporating voiсe searсh funсtionality and сonversational interfaсes into their websites and appliсations. In 2024, we сan expeсt to see more websites optimized for voiсe searсh, as well as the integration of AI-powered сhatbots and virtual assistants to enhanсe сustomer support and engagement. Voiсe-driven user experienсes will beсome an integral part of web development strategies, сatering to the growing demand for hands-free interaсtions.
  6. WebAssembly (Wasm): WebAssembly (Wasm) is a binary instruсtion format that enables high-performanсe exeсution of сode on the web, opening up new possibilities for web development beyond traditional JavaSсript. In 2024, we сan expeсt to see inсreased adoption of WebAssembly for tasks suсh as gaming, multimedia proсessing, and сomputational-intensive appliсations. With support from major browsers and toolсhains, WebAssembly will empower developers to build more sophistiсated and immersive web experienсes.
  7. Responsive Design and Aссessibility: As web usage сontinues to shift towards mobile and diverse deviсes, responsive design and aссessibility will remain сritiсal сonsiderations for web developers in 2024. Websites and appliсations must be optimized for a wide range of sсreen sizes, input methods, and user needs to ensure a seamless experienсe for all users. In addition, web developers will prioritize aссessibility standards and guidelines to сreate inсlusive experienсes that aссommodate users with disabilities.
  8. Bloсkсhain Integration: Bloсkсhain teсhnology is being explored for its potential to enhanсe seсurity, transparenсy, and deсentralization in web appliсations. In 2024, we сan expeсt to see inсreased experimentation with bloсkсhain integration in areas suсh as identity verifiсation, digital payments, and deсentralized finanсe (DeFi). By leveraging bloсkсhain, web developers сan сreate more seсure and trustworthy appliсations that prioritize user privaсy and data integrity.
  9. Сyberseсurity Measures: With the growing threat of сyberattaсks and data breaсhes, сyberseсurity will remain a top priority for web developers in 2024. Developers will implement robust seсurity measures suсh as enсryption, multi-faсtor authentiсation, and regular seсurity audits to proteсt sensitive data and mitigate risks. In addition, сomplianсe with data proteсtion regulations suсh as GDPR and ССPA will be paramount, driving the adoption of privaсy-enhanсing teсhnologies and praсtiсes.
  10. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): As AR and VR teсhnologies сontinue to mature, web developers will explore new ways to integrate immersive experienсes into websites and appliсations. In 2024, we сan expeсt to see more AR and VR-enabled websites, e-сommerсe platforms, and eduсational resourсes that leverage these teсhnologies to engage users in unique and interaсtive ways. From virtual produсt demonstrations to immersive storytelling, AR and VR will redefine the possibilities of web development in the years to сome.

In сonсlusion, web development in 2024 will be сharaсterized by innovation, automation, and a foсus on delivering fast, seсure, and engaging user experienсes. By embraсing emerging teсhnologies and best praсtiсes, web developers will сontinue to push the boundaries of what is possible on the web, shaping the future of digital experienсes for years to сome.

The post Web Development Trends to Watсh in 2024 appeared first on Fuse-box.

Angular 12 Child Routes Guide Wed, 28 Feb 2024 08:29:21 +0000 Angular, as a powerful front-end framework, offers a robust routing system that allows developers to create single-page applications (SPAs) efficiently. In this article, we will delve into the concept of child routes, also known as nested routes, and explore how they can elevate your Angular application’s routing structure. We’ll cover everything from setting up child […]

The post Angular 12 Child Routes Guide appeared first on Fuse-box.

Angular, as a powerful front-end framework, offers a robust routing system that allows developers to create single-page applications (SPAs) efficiently. In this article, we will delve into the concept of child routes, also known as nested routes, and explore how they can elevate your Angular application’s routing structure. We’ll cover everything from setting up child routes to defining and integrating them within your application. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will have a solid understanding of how to effectively implement child routes in Angular 12.

Before You Start

Before delving into the intricacies of child routes, it’s essential to ensure that you have the necessary tools and prerequisites in place to seamlessly integrate child routes into your Angular application. Here are the key requirements to get started:


  • An integrated development environment (IDE) such as VS Code;
  • Node Package Manager version 6.7 or above;
  • The latest version of Angular (version 12): ng version.

Ensure that you are using Angular version 12 and update to this version if you are not already. Additionally, having a working knowledge of the Angular Router at a beginner level would be beneficial. If needed, you can review our previous article on Angular routing to refresh your understanding.

What Are Nesting Routes?

Understanding the concept of nesting routes is crucial for comprehending the power and flexibility it brings to Angular applications. Angular, being a component-based framework, organizes applications into components, forming a hierarchical tree structure. This means that sub-components stem from other components, creating a clear and organized architecture within the application.

For instance, in an Angular app, various components are typically found inside the main app component. Similarly, the Angular Router enables the creation of routes that are nested inside already-defined routes, allowing for a structured and organized navigation flow within the application.

Benefits of Nesting Routes

Nesting routes provides a component-like structure for the routes in your application, offering several advantages:

  • Modularity: Child routes enable the encapsulation of specific features or sections of the application, promoting modularity and maintainability;
  • Enhanced User Experience: By structuring routes hierarchically, you can control access to certain views, ensuring that users can only navigate to specific views when in a particular context;
  • Code Reusability: Child routes facilitate the reuse of components and logic across different sections of the application, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.

What We Will Be Building?

In this section, we will outline the structure of the application we aim to build to demonstrate the implementation of child routes. Our sample application will consist of a parent component with nested child components, showcasing a practical use case for employing child routes within an Angular application.

Application Structure Overview

ParentComponentMain parent component serving as the entry point for the application.
ChildComponentNested child component contained within the ParentComponent.

The application will feature a clear hierarchy, with the ParentComponent acting as the primary container for the ChildComponent, illustrating the seamless integration of child routes within the application.

Setting Up

To begin implementing child routes in Angular, we need to follow a series of steps to define and integrate these routes within our application. The process involves defining parent routes, registering them, setting up templates, generating child components, and adding child routes along with the presentation code.

Defining Parent Routes

The first step is to define the parent routes within the Angular application. These routes will serve as the foundation upon which the child routes will be nested.

Route Definition Process

  • Open the app-routing.module.ts file in your Angular project;
  • Define the parent route using the RouterModule.forRoot() method, specifying the path and component for the parent route.
const routes: Routes = [

  { path: 'parent', component: ParentComponent }

  • Save the changes and proceed to the next step.

Registering Them

Once the parent routes have been defined, the next step is to register these routes within the application to ensure their accessibility and functionality.

Route Registration Process

  • Open the app.module.ts file in your Angular project;
  • Import the RouterModule and Routes from @angular/router;
  • Register the defined routes using the RouterModule.forRoot() method within the importsarray of the @NgModule decorator.
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';


  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],

  exports: [RouterModule]


export class AppModule { }

By following these steps, the parent routes are now successfully defined and registered within the Angular application, laying the groundwork for the integration of child routes.

Man's hands write code on a laptop

Template Setup

With the parent routes in place, the next step involves setting up the templates for the parent and child components, establishing the visual structure of the application.

Template Configuration

  • Create the template for the ParentComponent, incorporating the necessary HTML and styling to define its layout and appearance;
  • Similarly, create the template for the ChildComponent, ensuring that it complements the design and functionality of the ParentComponent.

By configuring the templates for both the parent and child components, you establish the visual foundation for the application, preparing it for the integration of child routes.

Testing It Out

After setting up the templates and registering the parent routes, it’s crucial to test the application to ensure that the parent route is functioning as expected before proceeding to integrate child routes.

Testing Procedure

  • Run the Angular application using the ng serve command;
  • Navigate to the specified path for the parent route in a web browser to verify that the parent component is rendered correctly.

By testing the parent route, you can confirm that the initial setup has been executed accurately, providing a solid base for integrating child routes seamlessly.

Generate Child Components

The next phase involves generating the child components that will be nested within the parent component, forming the core structure of the child routes.

Component Generation Process

  • Use the Angular CLI to generate the child components by running the following command in the terminal:

ng generate component ChildComponent

  • Once generated, the child component files will be created, including the necessary TypeScript, HTML, and CSS files.

By generating the child components, you lay the groundwork for integrating child routes within the application, setting the stage for a hierarchical navigation structure.

Adding Child Routes

After generating the child components, the subsequent step is to add child routes to the existing parent route, enabling the nesting of child components within the parent component.

Child Route Integration Process

  • Open the app-routing.module.ts file in your Angular project;
  • Define the child routes within the parent route using the children property, specifying the path and component for each child route.
const routes: Routes = [


    path: 'parent',

    component: ParentComponent,

    children: [

      { path: 'child', component: ChildComponent }



  • Save the changes and proceed to the final step of adding the presentation code.

By adding child routes to the parent route, you establish a nested structure within the application, allowing for a seamless transition between the parent and child components.

A girl in headphones sits in front of a computer and writes code

Adding the Presentation Code

The final step involves adding the necessary presentation code to render the child components within the parent component, completing the integration of child routes within the application.

Presentation Code Integration

  • Open the template file for the ParentComponent (parent.component.html);
  • Use the <router-outlet> directive to specify the location where the child components will be rendered within the parent component’s template.

  <!-- Other content within the parent component -->



By integrating the presentation code, you enable the seamless rendering of child components within the parent component, finalizing the implementation of child routes within the Angular application.

Angular Get Form Values

Retrieving form values in Angular is a common task when working with user input. Angular offers two main mechanisms for accessing form values: template-driven forms and reactive forms.

Template-Driven Forms

In template-driven forms, form values can be accessed using directives and template reference variables.

Reactive Forms

Reactive forms manage form values programmatically using form controls.

By integrating form value retrieval mechanisms with child routes, you can create dynamic and interactive Angular applications that respond to user input while maintaining a structured routing system.

Wrapping Up

With the completion of the aforementioned steps, you have successfully set up and integrated child routes within your Angular application, creating a hierarchical navigation structure that enhances the modularity and organization of your application’s routing system. By leveraging child routes, you have unlocked the potential to build more complex and feature-rich SPAs while maintaining a structured and maintainable codebase.

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Angular Bootstrap Integration Guide Thu, 15 Feb 2024 08:32:33 +0000 Building web applications with Angular can be a complex process, but there are ways to make it easier. One of these ways is by using pre-built components to create the frontend of our apps. And when it comes to user interface components, Bootstrap is one of the most popular choices. Bootstrap provides a wide range […]

The post Angular Bootstrap Integration Guide appeared first on Fuse-box.

Building web applications with Angular can be a complex process, but there are ways to make it easier. One of these ways is by using pre-built components to create the frontend of our apps. And when it comes to user interface components, Bootstrap is one of the most popular choices. Bootstrap provides a wide range of UI components that allow us to create visually appealing and interactive frontends with ease. 

Installing ng-bootstrap

The easiest way to add Bootstrap components into our Angular apps is by using the ng-bootstrap library. This library creates Angular components based on the vanilla version of Bootstrap, making it easy for us to add ready-to-use Bootstrap components into our Angular projects.

To install ng-bootstrap, we can use the following command:

ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap

This command utilizes the Angular CLI and can be used with most Angular projects. Once executed, it will automatically add all the necessary dependencies to our Angular modules, allowing us to use the provided components right away.

It’s worth noting that the latest version of ng-bootstrap is based on the latest version of Bootstrap. So, before proceeding with the installation, make sure to have the latest version of Bootstrap installed in your project.

After running the command, we should see something like this in our app.module.ts file:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

Adding Common Components

Now that we have ng-bootstrap installed, we can start adding some common Bootstrap components into our Angular app. In this section, we will go through some of the most commonly used components and see how we can integrate them into our project.


The Alert component in Bootstrap is used to display a short, important message to the user. It can be used for various purposes, such as displaying success or error messages. To add an Alert component in our Angular app, we can use the following code:

<ngb-alert [dismissible]="false" type="success">

  This is a success alert!


This will display a green-colored alert with the text “This is a success alert!” inside it. We can also make the alert dismissible by setting the dismissible attribute to true. Additionally, we can change the type of the alert by changing the type attribute to warning, danger, or info.

Date Picker

Date pickers are essential when working with forms that require users to input dates. With ng-bootstrap, we can easily add a date picker component to our Angular app. Here’s an example of how we can do that:

<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd"

       name="dp" [(ngModel)]="model" ngbDatepicker 

# d="ngbDatepicker">

<button (click)="d.toggle()" class="btn btn-outline-secondary calendar-btn">Select a date</button>

In this code, we have a text input field and a button that triggers the date picker when clicked. The [(ngModel)] directive is used to bind the selected date to a variable named model. We can also customize the format of the date by changing the placeholder attribute.


Modals are used to display content on top of the current page, usually to grab the user’s attention or ask for confirmation. In Bootstrap, modals are created using the ngb-modalcomponent. Here’s an example of how we can use it in our Angular app:

<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="open(content)">Launch demo modal</button>


# content let-modal>

  <div class="modal-header">

    <h4 class="modal-title">Modal title</h4>

    <button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close" (click)="modal.dismiss('Cross click')">

      <span aria-hidden="true">×</span>



  <div class="modal-body">

    This is the modal body.


  <div class="modal-footer">

    <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-dark" (click)="modal.close('Save click')">Save</button>



In this code, we have a button that triggers the modal when clicked. The `content` template reference variable is used to define the content of the modal. We can also add a header and footer to our modal by using the appropriate Bootstrap classes.


Tables are commonly used to display data in a structured format. ng-bootstrap provides us with a ngb-table component that allows us to create tables in our Angular app easily. Here’s an example of how we can do that:

<table ngbTable 

# table [data]="data" [columns]="columns">

  <tr *ngFor="let row of">

    <td *ngFor="let cell of row.cells">{{ cell }}</td>



In this code, we have defined the data and columns for our table in the component file. Then, we use the ngbTable directive to bind the data and columns to our table. We can also customize the appearance of our table by adding Bootstrap classes to the table element.

Text Inputs and Dropdowns

Bootstrap provides us with various styles for text inputs and dropdowns, making it easier to create forms in our Angular app. Here’s an example of how we can use these components:


  <div class="form-group">

    <label for="exampleFormControlInput1">Email address</label>

    <input type="email" class="form-control" id="exampleFormControlInput1" placeholder="">


  <div class="form-group">

    <label for="exampleFormControlSelect1">Example select</label>

    <select class="form-control" id="exampleFormControlSelect1">








  <div class="form-group">

    <label for="exampleFormControlTextarea1">Example textarea</label>

    <textarea class="form-control" id="exampleFormControlTextarea1" rows="3"></textarea>



In this code, we have a form with three different input fields – email, select, and textarea. We can also add validation to these fields by using Bootstrap’s built-in validation classes.

Man's hands on laptop keyboard

Bootstrap Theming

One of the best things about Bootstrap is its ability to be easily customized and themed. With ng-bootstrap, we can also apply custom themes to our Angular app. To do so, we need to import the Bootstrap SCSS files into our project.

First, we need to install the bootstrap package using npm:

npm install bootstrap

Then, we can import the necessary SCSS files in our styles.scss file:

@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

@import "~@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/index";

Now, we can use Bootstrap’s variables and mixins to customize our app’s theme. For example, we can change the primary color of our app by overriding the $primary variable in the variables.scss file.

Angular Child Routes

In addition to integrating Bootstrap elements, Angular also offers the functionality of child routes. This feature allows for the modularization of routes within an Angular application, enhancing its scalability and maintainability. Child routes can be utilized to encapsulate specific features or sections of an application, enabling a more granular approach to routing and navigation.

By incorporating child routes into our Angular application alongside Bootstrap integration, we can construct highly organized and responsive web applications that adhere to modern design standards. This amalgamation empowers developers to create complex yet intuitive user experiences, ensuring the seamless navigation and interaction within the application.


In this article, we have learned how to install and use Bootstrap in Angular using the ng-bootstrap library. We have also explored some of the most commonly used components and seen how we can integrate them into our Angular app. Additionally, we have learned how to apply custom themes to our app using Bootstrap’s SCSS files.

The post Angular Bootstrap Integration Guide appeared first on Fuse-box.

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JavaScript Module Pattern: Methods for More Efficient Code Wed, 14 Feb 2024 07:35:24 +0000 Embark on a journey into the world of the JavaScript Module Pattern, a cornerstone in creating well-organized, reusable, and efficient code. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of the design pattern, unveiling its pivotal role in maintaining code quality and its practical applications in contemporary JavaScript development. Decoding the JavaScript Module Pattern developers seek […]

The post JavaScript Module Pattern: Methods for More Efficient Code appeared first on Fuse-box.

Embark on a journey into the world of the JavaScript Module Pattern, a cornerstone in creating well-organized, reusable, and efficient code. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of the design pattern, unveiling its pivotal role in maintaining code quality and its practical applications in contemporary JavaScript development.

Decoding the JavaScript Module Pattern

developers seek ingenious solutions for crafting precise and efficient code. Design patterns, categorized into creational, structural, and behavioral, offer proven frameworks that amplify communication and foster code reusability.

Unveiling the Module Pattern’s Impact

Among various design patterns in JavaScript, the Module Pattern shines in enhancing maintainability and reusability. Establishing a structured environment with public and private access levels, this pattern safeguards data integrity, fostering clean and efficient code.

Implementing the Module Pattern in JavaScript

JavaScript’s absence of native module support has led to inventive solutions, with CommonJS modules taking the lead. Primarily utilized in Node.js, this module pattern features a concise syntax tailored for synchronous loading on the server side.


// CommonJS Module Example

const commonJSModule = require('module');

// Utilize module functionality



AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) Unveiled

In contrast, AMD, represented by RequireJS, introduces a slightly more intricate syntax. Designed for asynchronous loading on the client side, it offers versatility and has gained widespread acceptance in the JavaScript community.


// AMD Module Example

define(['dependency'], function(dependency) {

 // Utilize dependency




Securing Privacy: Private Access Levels and Encapsulation

At the core of the Module Pattern is encapsulation, ensuring the privacy of state through closures. By sidestepping exposure to the global scope, the module pattern mitigates potential errors and conflicts, establishing a secure coding environment.


// Module Pattern with Private Access

const myModule = (function () {

 let privateVariable = 'I am private';

 return {

  getPrivateVariable: function () {

   return privateVariable;


  setPrivateVariable: function (value) {

   privateVariable = value;




myModule.getPrivateVariable(); // Returns: 'I am private'

myModule.setPrivateVariable('Now exposed');

myModule.getPrivateVariable(); // Returns: 'Now exposed'


Sculpting Reusable Code

At the heart of the module pattern lies the ability to craft reusable code. By encapsulating variables within a function and returning an object, developers can structure applications for optimal readability and maintenance.


// Creating Reusable Code with Module Pattern

const reusableModule = (function () {

 let privateData = 'I am encapsulated';

 return {

  getData: function () {

   return privateData;


  setData: function (value) {

   privateData = value;




reusableModule.getData(); // Returns: 'I am encapsulated'

reusableModule.setData('Updated data');

reusableModule.getData(); // Returns: 'Updated data'


Crafting Private Methods in the Module Pattern

Harnessing the power of closures, the module pattern facilitates the creation of private methods. This circumvents the absence of access modifiers in JavaScript, offering a means to restrict access to specific functionalities.


// Creating Private Methods with Module Pattern

const methodModule = (function () {

 const privateMethod = function () {

  return 'I am a private method';


 return {

  publicMethod: function () {

   return privateMethod();




methodModule.publicMethod(); // Returns: 'I am a private method'


Explore what  the angular reactive form meaning in this guide 

Evolution: The Revealing Module Pattern

A transformative shift within module patterns, the revealing module pattern optimizes code organization. By exposing specific variables and methods through an object literal, it strikes a balance between encapsulation and functionality.


// Revealing Module Pattern Example

const revealingModule = (function () {

 const privateVariable = 'I am private';

 const publicVariable = 'I am exposed';

 const privateMethod = function () {

  return 'I am a private method';


 const publicMethod = function () {

  return 'I am an exposed method';


 return {





revealingModule.publicVariable; // Returns: 'I am exposed'

revealingModule.publicMethod(); // Returns: 'I am an exposed method'


The Dynamics of Immediately Invoked Functional Expressions (IIFE)

Within module patterns, Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) play a pivotal role. By returning an object within the function, the module pattern ensures the encapsulation of private variables and functions.


// IIFE in Module Pattern

const iifeModule = (function () {

 // Private variables and functions

 return {

  // Public variables and functions




Embracing Code Encapsulation: Private Methods

Expanding the boundaries of the module pattern, private methods come to the forefront. Leveraging closures, developers can create functions inaccessible outside the module, reinforcing code encapsulation.


// Module Pattern with Private Methods

const privateMethodModule = (function () {

 const privateMethod = function () {

  return 'I am a private method';


 return {

  publicMethod: function () {

   return privateMethod();





Transformative Strategies: The Revealing Module Pattern

A paradigm shift within module patterns, the revealing module pattern optimizes code organization. By exposing specific variables and methods through an object literal, it strikes a balance between encapsulation and functionality.


// Revealing Module Pattern Example

const revealingModule = (function () {

 const privateVariable = 'I am private';

 const publicVariable = 'I am exposed';

 const privateMethod = function () {

  return 'I am a private method';


 const publicMethod = function () {

  return 'I am an exposed method';


 return {  publicVariable,  publicMethod





The JavaScript Module Pattern emerges as an indispensable tool, safeguarding privacy and optimizing code organization. Modules play a pivotal role in modern applications, enhancing scalability and codebase structure. Elevate your coding experience with the prowess of the JavaScript Module Pattern.

The post JavaScript Module Pattern: Methods for More Efficient Code appeared first on Fuse-box.

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Angular Reactive Form: Best Practices & Advanced Techniques Tue, 13 Feb 2024 07:42:24 +0000 Angular Reactive Forms revolutionize form handling by providing a synchronous approach, ensuring reliability and simplified testing. Unlike template-driven forms, reactive forms offer a predictable workflow. Begin your journey with a hands-on example by importing the Reactive Forms Module into your Angular module: Unveiling the Unique Advantages of Reactive Forms Delve into the distinctive benefits of […]

The post Angular Reactive Form: Best Practices & Advanced Techniques appeared first on Fuse-box.

Angular Reactive Forms revolutionize form handling by providing a synchronous approach, ensuring reliability and simplified testing. Unlike template-driven forms, reactive forms offer a predictable workflow. Begin your journey with a hands-on example by importing the Reactive Forms Module into your Angular module:


// app.module.ts

import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";

import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";

import { ReactiveFormsModule } from "@angular/forms";

import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";


 declarations: [AppComponent],

 imports: [BrowserModule, ReactiveFormsModule],

 providers: [],

 bootstrap: [AppComponent]


export class AppModule {}


Unveiling the Unique Advantages of Reactive Forms

Delve into the distinctive benefits of adopting Angular Reactive Forms. From immutability to explicit form structure definition, these forms offer an efficient and scalable development experience. Real-world examples shed light on how these advantages translate into an enhanced user experience and maintainability.

Step-by-Step Implementation Guide

Follow a meticulous guide to seamlessly implement Angular Reactive Forms into your projects. Import ReactiveFormsModule, create form group objects, and establish the vital link between these objects and your forms. Here’s an example of creating a form group object within a component:


// app.component.ts

import { Component } from "@angular/core";

import { FormGroup, FormControl, Validators } from "@angular/forms";


 selector: "app-root",

 templateUrl: "./app.component.html",

 styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"]


export class AppComponent {

 signUpForm = new FormGroup({

 firstName: new FormControl("", [




 lastName: new FormControl("", [




 // ... other form controls


 // ... other component methods



Gain insights about JavaScript Module Pattern in this post

Crafting a Dynamic Example of Reactive Forms

Gain hands-on experience with a dynamic reactive form example. Dive into TypeScript code snippets showcasing the creation of a form group object, definition of form controls with validators, and dynamic manipulation of form data. Witness the adaptability of reactive forms through real-time updates using the patchValue method:


// app.component.ts

// ... (previous code)

updateProfile() {


 firstName: "Jane",

 lastName: "Smith",

 // ... update other fields



onSubmit() {




Seamlessly Integrating HTML Elements with Reactive Forms

Learn to connect HTML elements with reactive forms effortlessly. Grasp the significance of attributes such as formGroup, formControlName, and formGroupName. Practical examples illustrate how to establish a seamless association between form controls and HTML input fields, ensuring cohesive integration.


<!-- app.component.html -->

<form [formGroup]="signUpForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">

 <label for="first-name">First Name: </label>

 <input id="first-name" type="text" formControlName="firstName" />

 <!-- ... other form controls and validation messages -->

 <button type="submit" [disabled]="!signUpForm.valid">Submit Profile</button>



Harnessing the Power of Validators

Angular’s built-in validators empower developers to streamline the validation process. Explore various validators such as `Validators.required` and `Validators.minLength` in action. These validators ensure that your form data meets specific criteria, enhancing the overall quality of user inputs.


<!-- app.component.html -->

<form [formGroup]="signUpForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">

 <label for="first-name">First Name: </label>

 <input id="first-name" type="text" formControlName="firstName" />

 <!-- ... other form controls and validation messages -->

 <button type="submit" [disabled]="!signUpForm.valid">Submit Profile</button>



Effortless Validation Management

Managing validation states becomes effortless with Angular Reactive Forms. Explore techniques to display meaningful validation messages based on the form control’s state. Ensure users receive clear and concise feedback, promoting a user-friendly experience.


<!-- app.component.html -->

<div *ngIf="signUpForm.controls.firstName.invalid && (signUpForm.controls.firstName.dirty || signUpForm.controls.firstName.touched)">

 <div *ngIf="signUpForm.controls.firstName.errors?.required">First name is required.</div>

 <div *ngIf="signUpForm.controls.firstName.errors?.minlength">First name must be at least 5 characters long.</div>



Dynamic Form Updates and Enhancements

Angular Reactive Forms facilitate dynamic updates seamlessly. Explore scenarios where the `patchValue` method efficiently updates specific form fields, enhancing user interactions. This dynamic approach ensures that your forms remain responsive and adaptable to changing requirements.


// app.component.ts

// ... (previous code)

updateProfile() {


 firstName: "Jane",

 lastName: "Smith",

 address: {

  street: "123 1st Street"




onSubmit() {




Optimizing Form Submission Logic

Fine-tune the form submission logic to meet the unique needs of your application. Explore how Angular Reactive Forms empower you to control the submission process efficiently. Utilize the `onSubmit` method to seamlessly integrate form data processing, ensuring a robust and reliable user interaction.

Strategic Decision-Making: Reactive vs. Template-Driven Forms

Navigate the decision-making process by understanding scenarios where Angular Reactive Forms outshine template-driven forms. Real-world examples provide insights into making informed decisions based on unique project requirements. Gain an understanding of the ease of migration from Angular.js apps to Angular using template-driven forms.


Angular Reactive Forms emerge as an indispensable tool for streamlined form validation and development within the Angular framework. Armed with practical examples, developers can confidently integrate and harness the power of Angular Reactive Forms for scalable and efficient form handling solutions.

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Ng Generate Component with Module: Best Tips and Options Mon, 12 Feb 2024 07:44:27 +0000 In this guide, we will delve into the powerful capabilities of the Angular CLI for creating components, focusing on the essential aspect of incorporating modules seamlessly. Angular, a versatile framework for building interactive web frontends, offers the Angular CLI as a robust tool for project file management. Basic Usage of Ng Generate The Angular CLI […]

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In this guide, we will delve into the powerful capabilities of the Angular CLI for creating components, focusing on the essential aspect of incorporating modules seamlessly. Angular, a versatile framework for building interactive web frontends, offers the Angular CLI as a robust tool for project file management.

Basic Usage of Ng Generate

The Angular CLI simplifies component creation with the `ng generate component` command. For brevity, it can be shortened to `ng g component`. This command generates not only the component but also the associated test files. By default, the TypeScript compiler and other build tools are automatically added.

Ng Generate Components & Options

The `ng generate component` command supports various options, allowing for customization and flexibility. These include flags like `–change-detection` to set the change detection strategy, `–flat` to create files at the project’s top level, and `–module` to specify the module for component registration.

Using ng g to Generate Component Files

Practical examples illustrate the command’s versatility. For instance, running `ng g component Foo –inline-style –inline-template –selector FooBar –style scss` generates a component named ‘Foo’ with inline styles and templates, a custom selector (‘FooBar’), and uses SCSS as the CSS preprocessor.

Advanced Component Customization

To further enhance your components, Angular CLI provides advanced customization options. Explore flags like `–display-block` to add CSS styling, `–export` to export the component, and `–view-encapsulation` to isolate the component using strategies like Emulated or ShadowDom.

Best Practices and Tips for Component Generation

  • Consistent Naming: Maintain a consistent naming convention for components to enhance code readability and organization;
  • Selective Generation: Use flags such as `–skip-tests` or `–skip-selector` to skip unnecessary file generation, optimizing the project structure;
  • Standalone Components: When applicable, use the `–standalone` flag to generate independent components that can be easily reused across projects.

Find out more about Javascript Module Pattern

Angular Basics: Introduction to ngFor Directive in Angular

Beyond component creation, this guide touches on the ngFor directive in Angular, a fundamental feature for efficient list rendering. The ngFor directive enables developers to iterate through data structures, providing dynamic content generation within templates. 

Understanding ngFor allows for seamless integration of data-driven components, enhancing the overall user experience.

Explore advanced ngFor functionalities, such as:

  • Indexing: Leverage the index keyword to access the current iteration’s index, facilitating custom logic within the loop;
  • First and Last Keywords: Enhance control by utilizing first and last keywords to identify the first and last iterations, enabling tailored rendering.

Mastering ngFor opens doors to dynamic content presentation, making your Angular applications more versatile and responsive to varying data scenarios. Stay tuned for practical examples and in-depth insights into harnessing the full potential of ngFor in your Angular projects.


Angular CLI’s rich feature set streamlines project management, making it a preferred choice for developers. With Angular CLI, development becomes efficient, allowing for both initial setup and ongoing customization of components.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips on maximizing your Angular CLI experience.

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Hot Module Replacement Angular Insights: Optimizing Workflow Sun, 11 Feb 2024 07:46:47 +0000 Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of “Hot Module Replacement Angular,” a once-old, now-resurrected feature in Angular v11. With the advent of Ivy, this powerful capability has been reintroduced, offering developers a range of benefits, including Hot Module Replacement (HMR). Unveiling Hot Module Replacement in Angular Hot Module Replacement, often referred to as Hot Module Reloading, […]

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Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of “Hot Module Replacement Angular,” a once-old, now-resurrected feature in Angular v11. With the advent of Ivy, this powerful capability has been reintroduced, offering developers a range of benefits, including Hot Module Replacement (HMR).

Unveiling Hot Module Replacement in Angular

Hot Module Replacement, often referred to as Hot Module Reloading, is a cutting-edge feature that enables dynamic module replacement without the need for a full page reload. In the context of Angular v11, this feature has gained prominence, providing developers with enhanced flexibility in their workflow.

Understanding the Significance of Hot Module Replacement

So, what exactly does Hot Module Replacement offer? Beyond its name, HMR allows for the seamless replacement of modules in real-time, ensuring a smoother development experience. 

Its significance lies in eliminating the need for full-page reloading, retaining form data between changes, and significantly speeding up the feedback loop during development.

Advantages of Using HMR in Angular Projects

Why opt for Hot Module Replacement in Angular projects? 

The advantages include:

  • No Reloading: Eliminate the need for full-page reloading, enhancing development efficiency;
  • Form Data Retention: Retain form data between changes, streamlining the development process;
  • Faster Feedback Loop: Experience a quicker and more responsive development feedback loop;
  • Optional Feature: Currently an opt-in feature, allowing developers to choose its usage;
  • Introduced in CLI v11: Available since version 11 of the Angular CLI.

Implementing Hot Module Replacement in Angular v11

Despite being a newly resurrected feature, there’s a lack of extensive documentation on HMR. However, developers can refer to Alan Agius’s Pull Request (PR), currently the most detailed document on this feature, for comprehensive insights.

A Detailed Look at HMR Implementation Steps

For those eager to embrace HMR, the process is straightforward:

  • Upgrade to Angular v11;
  • Run your project with the HMR flag: `ng serve –hmr`

This simple integration brings the power of Hot Module Replacement to your Angular development environment.

Exploring HMR Documentation: Alan Agius’s PR

Alan Agius’s Pull Request serves as a valuable resource for delving deeper into the intricacies of Hot Module Replacement. It offers detailed documentation and insights for developers seeking a comprehensive understanding of this feature.

Getting Started with HMR: Simple Steps for Angular Developers

Embarking on the journey of using HMR is as simple as upgrading to Angular v11 and running your project with the `–hmr` flag. This sets the stage for a more dynamic and efficient development experience.

Find out more about Ng generate component with module

Embracing Enhanced Development with HMR in Angular

As developers venture into the realm of Angular development, the integration of Hot Module Replacement (HMR) becomes pivotal for a dynamic and streamlined workflow. 

HMR not only eliminates the hassle of full-page reloading but also enables developers to retain crucial form data between changes, fostering an environment conducive to iterative development. 

The advantages of a faster feedback loop further enhance the overall efficiency of the development process, making HMR a sought-after feature in Angular v11.

Unraveling the Optimal Workflow: Best Practices for HMR

When diving into the implementation of Hot Module Replacement in Angular v11, adhering to best practices ensures a seamless integration. Developers are encouraged to maintain a consistent naming convention for components, enhancing code readability and organization. 

Additionally, leveraging selective generation flags such as `–skip-tests` or `–skip-selector` optimizes project structure by excluding unnecessary file generation. The concept of standalone components, facilitated by the `–standalone` flag, allows for the creation of independent components easily reusable across diverse projects.


Incorporating these best practices not only simplifies the integration process but also sets the stage for an optimal development workflow. As the Angular community continues to explore and refine the use of HMR, developers are encouraged to stay informed about updates, enhancements, and additional best practices for harnessing the full potential of Hot Module Replacement in Angular projects.

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Navigating the Async Module/Handler Error: A Guide for Devs Sat, 10 Feb 2024 07:49:05 +0000 In the intricate landscape of web development, the enigmatic “Async module/handler completed with pending operation” error occasionally disrupts the otherwise seamless process of file uploads. This article delves deep into the layers of this anomaly, aiming to provide comprehensive insights for developers. Unraveling the “Async Module/Handler Completed with Pending Operation”  At the heart of this […]

The post Navigating the Async Module/Handler Error: A Guide for Devs appeared first on Fuse-box.

In the intricate landscape of web development, the enigmatic “Async module/handler completed with pending operation” error occasionally disrupts the otherwise seamless process of file uploads. This article delves deep into the layers of this anomaly, aiming to provide comprehensive insights for developers.

Unraveling the “Async Module/Handler Completed with Pending Operation” 

At the heart of this puzzling error lies the clash between asynchronous operations, specifically when employing the Kendo Upload library. The unique nature of this issue manifests during the initial file upload, leaving developers perplexed as subsequent attempts proceed without a hitch.

Kendo Upload Configuration Insights

The crux of the matter lies in the configuration of Kendo Upload. The code snippet below reveals crucial parameters such as saveUrl, removeUrl, autoUpload, allowmultiple, and batch, each playing a role in the orchestration of asynchronous events.



  async: {

    saveUrl: "upload.aspx",

    removeUrl: "remove",

    autoUpload: true,

    allowmultiple: true,

    batch: true


  // Additional configurations...



Find out more about Hot Module Replacement in Angular here

Analyzing the Initial Upload Anomaly

To decipher the anomaly, it is imperative to dissect the intricate dance of asynchronous modules and handlers during the first upload. The underlying conflict surfaces as a nuanced interaction, resulting in an error event despite the successful file upload.

In-Depth Troubleshooting Strategies

Efficiently addressing the “Async module/handler completed with pending operation” issue requires a meticulous approach. Developers are encouraged to explore event handlers like `complete` and `error`, scrutinize the `select` function, and examine drop zone and file list display configurations.

Proactive Measures and Best Practices

Preventing and mitigating such errors demands a proactive stance. From ensuring proper initialization to validating configurations and staying abreast of library updates, adopting best practices enhances the robustness of file upload functionalities.


 By navigating the intricacies of the “Async module/handler completed with pending operation” error, developers can not only decode its mystery but also fortify their web development endeavors. With a deep understanding of asynchronous operations and strategic implementation of best practices, a smoother and error-resistant file upload experience awaits.

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Introduction to Angular Bootstrapping Fri, 09 Feb 2024 07:51:45 +0000 Angular 1.x offers two primary methods for initializing applications: the ng-app directive and the manual approach via angular.bootstrap. This guide will delve into these initial concepts before exploring the advancements introduced with Angular 2, highlighting the flexibility in bootstrapping applications in various environments such as browsers, WebWorkers, and servers. Angular 1.x Bootstrapping Methods Bootstrapping with […]

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Angular 1.x offers two primary methods for initializing applications: the ng-app directive and the manual approach via angular.bootstrap. This guide will delve into these initial concepts before exploring the advancements introduced with Angular 2, highlighting the flexibility in bootstrapping applications in various environments such as browsers, WebWorkers, and servers.

Angular 1.x Bootstrapping Methods

Bootstrapping with ng-app

Angular 1.x applications often commence with the ng-app directive, positioned on the <html> or <body> element, signifying the application’s starting point:

<!doctype html><html ng-app=”app”>  <head>    <title>Angular 1.x</title>    <script src=”angular.js”></script>    <script src=”app.js”></script>    <script src=”app.component.js”></script>  </head>  <body>    <my-app>Loading…</my-app>  </body></html>

Modules with angular.module

To operationalize ng-app, a corresponding “module” is required, acting as a container for specific application logic. The module name aligns with ng-app’s value, facilitating the creation of interconnected components:

// app.jsangular.module(‘app’, []);

Bootstrapping with angular.bootstrap

An alternative bootstrapping method is the angular.bootstrap function, allowing manual initiation of Angular 1.x applications:

// app.jsangular.module(‘app’, []);angular.bootstrap(document.documentElement, [‘app’]);

This method provides precise control over the application’s initialization, including an optional strictDi mode for dependency injection.

Transition to Angular 2

HTML and Root Element

Angular 2 introduces significant changes, including TypeScript adoption and the shift from ng-app to a more structured and modular approach using @NgModule. The bootstrapping process requires a root component to anchor the application:

<!doctype html><html>  <head>    <title>Angular 2</title>    <!– SystemJS and other script references –>  </head>  <body>    <my-app>Loading…</my-app>  </body></html>

Modules with @NgModule

Angular 2 employs @NgModule to define modules, marking a departure from angular.module in Angular 1.x. This decorator specifies the module’s components and its bootstrapping component:

// module.tsimport {NgModule} from ‘@angular/core’;import {BrowserModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser’;import AppComponent from ‘./app’;
@NgModule({  imports: [BrowserModule],  declarations: [AppComponent],  bootstrap: [AppComponent]})export class AppModule {}

Implementing @NgModule and Bootstrapping in Angular 2


The application is bootstrapped by importing platformBrowserDynamic and invoking bootstrapModule with the AppModule:

// main.tsimport {platformBrowserDynamic} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic’;import {AppModule} from ‘./module’;

Root Component

The root component serves as the application’s primary container, defined using the @Component decorator:

import {Component} from ‘@angular/core’;
@Component({  selector: ‘my-app’,  template: `<div>{{ text }}</div>`})export default class App {  public text: string = ‘Hello world!’;}

How Budgeting Prevents Digital Marketing Pitfalls

Incorporating strategic budgeting within the digital marketing sphere is essential for avoiding common pitfalls. Effective budget management ensures resources are allocated efficiently, optimizing marketing efforts and preventing overspending or misallocation.

Key Considerations for Effective Angular Bootstrapping

  • Initialization Method: Choose between declarative initialization with ng-app or manual initialization with angular.bootstrap for Angular 1.x applications. Angular 2 requires manual initialization using @NgModule;
  • Module Declaration: Define modules using angular.module in Angular 1.x and @NgModule in Angular 2 to encapsulate components, services, and other application-specific configurations;
  • Root Component: Essential for both Angular 1.x and Angular 2, serving as the main container for the application. Angular 2 emphasizes this with the introduction of @Component;
  • TypeScript Adoption: Angular 2 and beyond leverage TypeScript for improved development experience, introducing static typing and class-based components;
  • Modern JavaScript Features: Utilize ES2015 modules and other modern JavaScript features in Angular 2 to enhance application structure and modularity.

Comparative Table: Angular 1.x vs. Angular 2 Bootstrapping

FeatureAngular 1.xAngular 2
Initialization Methodng-app directive or angular.bootstrapManual initialization with @NgModule
Module Systemangular.module@NgModule decorator
Scripting LanguageJavaScriptTypeScript
Component DeclarationDirective and .component method@Component decorator with classes
Dependency InjectionImplicit and manual annotationHierarchical dependency injection system
Root Component RequirementOptional but recommendedMandatory
Development ParadigmMVC (Model-View-Controller)Components and services
PerformanceGood for its timeEnhanced performance with change detection
Mobile SupportLimitedImproved with Angular Universal

How Budgeting Prevents Digital Marketing Pitfalls

  • Resource Allocation: Ensures marketing funds are strategically distributed across channels for maximum impact;
  • Cost Management: Helps avoid overspending and financial waste by setting clear boundaries for marketing expenditures;
  • Performance Tracking: Facilitates the monitoring of marketing campaigns, allowing for reallocation of budget to high-performing initiatives;
  • Strategic Planning: Encourages a focus on long-term goals and ROI, rather than short-term tactics with minimal impact;
  • Risk Mitigation: Reduces the likelihood of financial pitfalls by promoting data-driven decisions and careful planning.

Incorporating these considerations and understanding the distinctions between Angular 1.x and Angular 2 bootstrapping methods allows for a more structured and efficient approach to application development. Moreover, applying the principles of budgeting within the digital marketing domain can significantly enhance the effectiveness and ROI of marketing strategies.


The evolution from Angular 1.x to Angular 2 represents a significant leap in application development practices. By embracing @NgModule for modularity and adopting new bootstrapping techniques, developers gain enhanced flexibility and control in deploying Angular applications. As the framework continues to evolve, understanding these foundational concepts remains crucial for effectively leveraging Angular’s full potential.

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Introduction to Angular Framework Thu, 08 Feb 2024 07:54:00 +0000 Angular is a leading framework for constructing client-side applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As a premier tool for creating dynamic web applications, Angular provides a structured approach to developing app components and modules, which we previously explored in terms of Angular CLI basics and project setup. Understanding Angular Components Angular adopts a component-based architecture, […]

The post Introduction to Angular Framework appeared first on Fuse-box.

Angular is a leading framework for constructing client-side applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As a premier tool for creating dynamic web applications, Angular provides a structured approach to developing app components and modules, which we previously explored in terms of Angular CLI basics and project setup.

Understanding Angular Components

Angular adopts a component-based architecture, where applications are divided into independent, reusable components. Each component is responsible for rendering a portion of the page, enabling a dynamic and interactive user interface. Components are essentially the building blocks of Angular applications, comprising a template for the UI, styles for appearance, and a class for logic and data binding.

The Angular Root Component

Every Angular application begins with a root component, serving as the primary container under which other components are nested. The root component, typically found in the src/app/ directory, includes:

  • Template: Defines the HTML structure displayed on the page;
  • Style: Specifies CSS rules for the template’s HTML elements;
  • Class: Holds the logic, properties, and methods affecting the template’s rendering.

Example of an Angular component structure:

import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;
@Component({  selector: ‘app-root’,  templateUrl: ‘./app.component.html’,  styleUrls: [‘./app.component.css’]})export class AppComponent {  title = ‘Angular Expense Tracker’;}

Delving into Angular Modules

Angular modules, or NgModules, organize related components, services, directives, and pipes into cohesive blocks. Each Angular application has at least one root module, responsible for bootstrapping the application and often including a root component. Modules can import functionality from other modules and export their components for use in other parts of the application.

The Angular Root Module

The root NgModule defines the application’s compilation context and is critical for bootstrapping the Angular app. Located in src/app/app.module.ts, the root module typically includes:

  • Declarations: Lists the components, directives, and pipes belonging to the module;
  • Imports: Brings in other modules required by the components in the current module;
  • Bootstrap: Identifies the main application view, the root component.

Example of an Angular root module:

import { BrowserModule } from ‘@angular/platform-browser’;import { NgModule } from ‘@angular/core’;import { AppComponent } from ‘./app.component’;
@NgModule({  declarations: [AppComponent],  imports: [BrowserModule],  bootstrap: [AppComponent]})export class AppModule {}

Building an Expense Tracker Application

Creating Components and Modules

To illustrate these concepts, we’ll develop an expense tracker app. Let’s begin by creating a component to display a summary of expenses:

ng generate component expenses-summary

This command scaffolds a new component, adding it to the application’s module declarations. The component’s template might look like this:

<!– expenses-summary.component.html –><div class=”expense-summary”>  <h2>Monthly Expenses</h2>  <p>Total for August: $500</p>  <p>Total for September: $450</p></div>

Implementing Nested Components

Angular allows for nesting components within others to build complex UIs. For our expense tracker, we can nest the expenses-summary component within a home component:

ng generate component home

Then, update the home component’s template to include the expenses-summary component:

<!– home.component.html –><app-expenses-summary></app-expenses-summary>

Angular 2: Bootstrapping Modules

Transitioning to Angular 2 introduces new bootstrapping methods. Unlike Angular 1.x, which relies on ng-app or angular.bootstrap, Angular 2 uses @NgModule for defining modules and requires manual bootstrapping of the application.

Bootstrapping Module Angular2

Angular 2+ versions necessitate the explicit bootstrapping of the root module, typically in the main.ts file, to kick-start the application. This approach provides more control over the initialization process, accommodating advanced scenarios such as server-side rendering and bootstrapping in a WebWorker.


This article has provided a foundational understanding of Angular components and modules through the development of an expense tracker application. Components enable the segmentation of UIs into manageable units, while modules offer a way to organize these components and related services. The next steps will involve data binding and further dynamic interaction within the expense tracker app.

The post Introduction to Angular Framework appeared first on Fuse-box.

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